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Montgomery County food safety found mold accumulated on restaurant’s walk-in cooler walls


Here are the violations reported in food safety inspection reports from Montgomery County conducted the week of Jan. 5-11, 2025.

We highlight the inspection reports for retail food and drink establishments under the jurisdiction of the Montgomery County Office of Public Health. All establishments are inspected once per year, and inspectors may return several more times if the initial inspection is not passed or complaints are received. (For more information on how food safety inspections are conducted in Pennsylvania, view a list of FAQs.)

As noted by the MCOPH, the reports are merely a “snapshot” in time, and “may not be representative of the overall, long-term cleanliness of an establishment.” Many of the violations are corrected on the spot prior to the inspector leaving the establishment.

You can view the complete inspection reports for any establishment in the county’s food safety inspection database. To report an illness after eating or drinking at an establishment, use the MCOPH’s complaint form. (Please don’t contact us: we do not inspect restaurants.)

PJ Whelihan's Pub (PJ Enterprises, Inc.)


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 13 - food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
  • Comments: Dented can observed on storage shelf. Facility voluntarily removed from shelf.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Soda holster unclean behind main bar.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Frost build-up in outside walk-in freezer.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Plastic shipping wrap peeling from bain marie in kitchen.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Ceiling tiles stained or have dust buildup throughout kitchen.

Giovanni's Pizzaria LLC


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink obstructed at time of inspection. Facility cleared sink of debris, cleaned and sanitized.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: At time of inspection chlorine sanitizer concentration of ware washing machine observed at less than 50ppm. Facility replaced chlorine source bucket and was able to provide a chlorine concentrati0no of 50ppm by end of inspection.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Employee personal items hanging from dry storage shelf. Facility moved to designated employee storage area.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Plastic shipping wrap peeling from basement ice machine

Blue Bell Place


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: MCOPH Certified Food Sanitation Manager Certificate not posted conspicuously at time of inspection.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Paint cracking on ceiling above dining area.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Unapproved and stained ceiling tiles in dry storage area.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Floor unclean along cooks line.

Southern Cross Kitchen


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS supplied one.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Facility lacking soap at hand sink by bar downstairs and ice machine upstairs10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink obstructed at time of inspection.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Soda holster at bar unclean16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Cutting board with deep grooves and heavy discoloration37 - food properly labeled; original container
  • Comments: Common name label lacking on squeeze bottles at cooks line.38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Fly-like insects observed throughout facility. Facility has 10 business days to provide proof of next professional pest control treatment to MCOPH38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Unapproved insect control devices observed in kitchen/food prep area.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Evidence of food prepping on top of trashcan in kitchen.40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair/beard restraint43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Ice scoop stored on top of ice machine55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Ceiling tiles stained by host stand55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Dust build-up on ceiling tiles surrounding ceiling vents.

Dunkin Donuts


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: most current MCOPH Food Establishment License not posted conspicuously for the public. Apply for duplicate license if necessary.

Hatfield Pizzeria


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 30 days. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule (1x) repeat10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Front food service area handwashing sink lacking paper towels. (2x repeat)10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Use of hand washing sink in kitchen obstructed by the storage of pans and utensils.23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: 2XR:Date marking lacking on food containers in refrigeration. All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS left copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection. (3x repeat)44 - utensils, equipment & linens; properly stored, dried, & handled
  • Comments: Used pans and utensils stored in mop sink awaiting wash, rinse, and sanitizing.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Floor tiles in rear kitchen / dish washing area are cracked/damaged.

Rock's Italian Deli


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility operating with an expired MCOPH license. Facility has 2 business days to submit appropriate fee including Nsf fee. Ehs supplied nfs letter at time of inspection. Failure to comply may lead to legal actions and closure.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Interior of food prep sink unclean.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Paper towel lining bottom of container in reach in refrig containing precooked chicken cutlets.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Ware wash sink no longer secured to wall and caulking at sink broken and with mold like accumulation.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Door tracks and interior surfaces of deli display unclean.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Doors and door handles to reach in refrig and freezer in kitchen unclean.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Frp walls surrounding food prep and mop sink unclean.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Accumulation of grease on equipment at cooks line. Clean and sanitize.53 - toilet facilities; properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
  • Comments: Restroom door lacking self closing mechanism55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: 5XR: Flooring at ware wash sink and throughout kitchen damaged and no longer non porous. Facility granted until 2/10/25 to repair flooring. If facility is not in compliance at time of follow up inspection facility may face legal actions.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Missing ceiling tile at back of kitchen near back door.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Lacking light shield or shatter proof bulb lacking at ware wash area.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: At time of inspection facility was operating with a non working hood system. Ehs left voicemail for Twp Fire marshal at time of inspection. Ehs also contact Borough non emergency due no Borough official being available to speak with during the inspection. Facility may not operate any gas powered equipment under hood until hood is repaired. Facility must supply work order to ehs prior to placing hood back into service. Failure to comply may lead to legal actions.

Wawa Food Market #134

1906 Swamp Pike Gilbertsville, PA 19525

Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • Comments: No violations observed at time of inspection. Maintain.

Eat Greek


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS supplied one.21 - proper hot holding temperatures
  • Comments: Container of Chicken observed on counter with an internal temperature 107F. Facility rapidly reheated to 165F39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Containers/boxes of food stored on floor in walk in cooler, walk in freezer, and kitchen39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Facility prepping food on 3 bay ware-wash sink. (EHS explained proper procedure of all uses of sinks)47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: unclean/rusty shelves in walk-in cooler. (All surfaces must be smooth, nonporous and easily cleanable)47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Food stored in opened and original can.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Ice build-up walk in freezer.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: cloth lining on kitchen counters/ equipment (must remove).49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Hood filters above cooks' line unclean53 - toilet facilities; properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
  • Comments: Restrooms door lacking self closing mechanism

Primo Hoagies


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: facility with order receipts on/ in contact with ready to eat food item on cooks line. Facility voluntarily discarded one sandwich during time of inspection. EHS discussed with facility approved food contact parameters.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: facility lining entrance to walk in cooler with absorbent mop head. Facility voluntarily removed during time of inspection to provide an smooth, non-porous, easily cleaned surface.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: facility lining table top under slicer #2 on prep line with absorbent dish towel. Facility voluntarily removed during time of inspection to provide a smooth, non-porous, easily cleaned surface.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: ice accumulation observed on condenser at walk in freezer. Facility instructed to defrost effected areas and ensure unit is in good working order.48 - warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: facility lacking sanitizer testing strips. Facility instructed to provide sanitizer test strips meant for use with sanitizer used facility.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: food spillage observed under shelving at walk in freezer. Facility voluntarily cleaned during time of inspeciton.



Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: facility CFSM not posted for public view. Facility posted during time of inspection.36 - thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Facility lacking easily visible ambient temperature thermometers at various cold holding units.45 - single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: facility storing opened container of single use take away containers on floor at back prep area. Facility voluntarily relocated for storage in an approved manner.45 - single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Single-use food containers stored with food contact surface exposed at service line.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: facility cover for hopper at McFlurry machine damaged and no longer covering product. Facility instructed to repair/replace.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: walk in freezer condenser with ice accumulation with left most fan seized. facility instructed to defrost effected areas and ensure unit is in good working order.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: top of McFlurry machine unclean with spillage throughout. Facility cleaned and sanitized effected areas during time of inspection.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: mop stored drying in bucket. Facility instructed to relocate for storage in an approved manner - hanging and inverted.

DLKMB,LLC (Nekter Juice Bar)


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Expired MCOPH food establishment permit. Facility has 5 business days to submit payment for license. Failure to correct and maintain any and all violations may lead to legal action, citations, and/or closure.1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS emailed a copy.2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 5 days. MCOPH CFSM reciprocity application can be downloaded @ www.health.montcopa.org36 - thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Facility lacking visible accurate thermometers in retail drink cooler.37 - food properly labeled; original container
  • Comments: Common name label lacking on squeeze bottles in service area.37 - food properly labeled; original container
  • Comments: Common name label lacking on secondary dry good containers.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Single-use utensils stored on floor in open box.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Cups used as scoops for dry food items.48 - warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Facility lacking test strips to verify proper concentration of chemical sanitizer on hand.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Dust build-up on vents above service area and 3 door freezer.

Five Guys

1000 EASTON RD STE 3001 WYNCOTE, PA 19095

Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Expired food establishment license posted at time of inspection. Locate and post current license publicly or apply for duplicate.54 - garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
  • Comments: Dumpster lids open at time of inspection.54 - garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
  • Comments: Refuse accumulation observed along fence line behind facility.

Valerio Coffee Roasters Trappe Cafe

532 W MAIN ST TRAPPE, PA 19426

Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • Comments: No violations observed at time of inspection, maintain compliance.

WQ Diner


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS supplied one.2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: MCOPH Certified Food Sanitation Manager Certificate not posted at time of inspection. Apply for duplicate if necessary10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink in prep kitchen obstructed by prep table. Hand sinks must be accessible for use at all times.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand washing sign lacking at hand sink in mens restroom and dishroom13 - food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
  • Comments: Milk in front counter refrigerator has a sell by date or use by date of 12/3015 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw food stored over ready to eat food items in refrigerator under grill.36 - thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Facility lacking ambient air thermometer in walk in refrigerator. Facility provided an accurate thermometer.38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Light and air space at bottom/side of rear door.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: EHS observed bulk apple sauce stored in opened original can in walk in refrigerator39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Containers/boxes of food stored on floor in outdoor walk-in freezer and dry storage.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: In-use utensils stored in stagnant water in between uses.54 - garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
  • Comments: Dumpster lids open at time of inspection56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Employee personal items stored in dry storage area.

Crafty Crab


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 6 - proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Employee beverages on/above food prep surfaces and one beverage lacking proper lid.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Paper towel dispenser inoperable at server station hand sink.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Metal scrub in cook's line hand sink basin.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Uncovered food items observed in reach down chest freezer at entrance to kitchen.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Chlorine sanitizer buckets recorded above 200ppm concentration. Facility remixed a 50ppm solution.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Ice shield on interior of ice machine observed with mold-like accumulation.23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: Milk with sell by date of 1/6/25 in 2 door tall refrigerator. Facility voluntarily discarded.38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Rodent like droppings observed on kitchen storage shelving and in upstairs dry storage room. Facility must immediately clean and sanitize areas. Facility must be treated by professional pest control service for the above mentioned pest. Report must be provided to MCOPH within ten business days. Email the service report to the contacts provided by the EHS.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Tongs stored on ANSUL line at cook's line.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Scoop lacking handle stored in bulk rice.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Ice scoop stored on top of ice machine.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Paper and foil lining shelving at cook's line.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Ice accumulation on interiors of both walk-in freezers.53 - toilet facilities; properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
  • Comments: Lacking covered trash cans in both employee restrooms.53 - toilet facilities; properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
  • Comments: No toilet paper in upstairs employee restroom.53 - toilet facilities; properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
  • Comments: Kitchen employee bathroom door propped open.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Section of ceiling missing/damaged in kitchen by ware washing area due to removal of vent for old ventilation system - area partially covered with metal screen. Facility instructed to provide smooth, non-porous, easily cleanable surface.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Floors inside both walk-in refrigerators observed with chipping areas. Reseal.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Conduit/electrical lines and wires on kitchen ceiling at cooks line not flush with ceiling creating a not easily cleaned surface. Facility was previously granted until July 4, 2024 to repair as part of change of ownership. Facility must repair by 1/24/25 when a follow-up inspection will occur to verify. Failure to comply may lead to legal action.

Village Delicatessen of Jenkintown


Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 19 - proper reheating procedures for hot holding
  • Comments: facility with hot holding items at 50F, stated just put in warmer. Moved to stove top for rapid heating to 165F before returning to warmers.45 - single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Opened packaging of single service food contact items stored in unapproved area of facility.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: gap between ware washing sink and hand sink. Caulk.48 - warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: sanitizer test strips have expired.51 - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: food prep sink blocked by wares drying on rack over basin.53 - toilet facilities; properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
  • Comments: front restroom door not self closing, mechanism present but not functional.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: employee beverages in proper containers but stored next to dry goods and on top of refrig.



Last Inspection Date: 01-10-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH). Facility granted 6 months to attain. Date has not yet passed. Failure to comply by the given deadline could lead to legal action. EHS emailed copy of 2025 reciprocity application to facility during inspection.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Employee toilet room lacking readily available means of drying hands.

Philly Pretzel Factory

1885 Swamp Pike, Suite 102 Gilbertsville, PA 19525

Last Inspection Date: 01-09-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: (2X R) Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 5 days. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Damaged chest freezer lid. Facility has new one ordered.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Dust build-up on ceiling vent near ovens.

The Ultimate Bake Shoppe


Last Inspection Date: 01-09-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment with in 10 days. EHS emailed copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: boxes of food stored on floor in walk in freezer39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Sugar and flour stored in open original bags.

Wawa Food Market #67


Last Inspection Date: 01-09-2025

  • 39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Insect device located above self-serve coffee machine.

Snap Custom Pizza


Last Inspection Date: 01-09-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: facility posting expired MCOPH eating and drinking establishment license. Facility instructed to locate original and post immediately or apply for duplicate and post immediately upon receiving.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: facility observed washing sauce bottle at hand sink on cooks line. EHS discussed with facility that hand sink usage is limited to hand washing operations.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Facility lacking soap at hand sink at hand sink across from three basin sink. facility provided during time of inspection.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: facility lacking single use paper towels or alternate and approved hand drying provisions. Facility provided single use paper towels during time of inspection.28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: facility lacking common name labeling on several chemical working bottles. facility provided approved labeling during time of inspection.37 - food properly labeled; original container
  • Comments: facility lacking common name labeling on bulk food secondary storage containers at back prep area. Facility provided during time of inspection.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: facility lining interior of herb pans at food prep cooler with absorbent towels. Facility voluntarily removed during time of inspection.40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: food handler lacking hair restraint during active prep. facility provided hair restraints during time of inspection.40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: (4xREPEAT) facility food handler lacking beard restraint during active prep at cooksline. Facility voluntarily provided during time of inspection. Facility instructed that multiple repeat violations may result in future and immediate legal actions.

China King Chinese Restaurant


Last Inspection Date: 01-09-2025

  • 15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw food stored over ready to eat food items in walk-in fridge20 - proper cooling time & temperature
  • Comments: Shrimp in deli prep unit at 51F. Facility voluntarily moved to walk-in cooler21 - proper hot holding temperatures
  • Comments: Fried Rice at at hot holding unit observed with an internal temperature less than 135F. Facility rapidly reheated to 165F23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: Date marking lacking on food containers in refrigeration. All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS left copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Unapproved insect control devices observed in kitchen/food prep area. Facility voluntary removed39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Food stored in plastic grocery bags39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Food stored in colanders in walk-in cooler.40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair restraint41 - wiping cloths; properly used & stored
  • Comments: Wet wiping cloths not stored in a sanitizing solution43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Improper scoops for dry food items in basement area47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Ice build-up in chest freezers throughout facility47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Food stored in opened and original can55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Walls near chest freezers in dry storage do not meet MCHD Code. All surfaces must be smooth, continuous, nonporous and easily cleanable55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: liquid debris on Floor underneath cooks line equipment.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Grease build-up on hood filters along cooks line. EHS contact Fire Marshall at time of inspection.

Jeannie's Deli


Last Inspection Date: 01-09-2025

  • 9 - no bare hand contact with rte food or a pre-approved alternative procedure properly allowed
  • Comments: Employee handled ready to eat food with bare hands.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink by front counter obstructed at time of inspection.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Lacking single service towels for hand sink by front counter15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw eggs stored over ready to eat food items near prep area23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: Date marking lacking on food containers in refrigeration. All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS left copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Roach-like insect observed under 2 door fridge near prep area. Facility has 10 business days to provide proof of next professional pest control treatment to MCOPH40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair restraint41 - wiping cloths; properly used & stored
  • Comments: Wet wiping cloths not stored in a sanitizing solution43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Improper scoops for dry food items. Facility voluntarily discarded45 - single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Boxes of single service food contact items stored on floor in basement47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Plastic shipping wrap peeling from equipment in kitchen on prep unit

District Taco


Last Inspection Date: 01-09-2025

  • 41 - wiping cloths; properly used & stored
  • Comments: wet wiping cloth stored outside of sanitizer bucket at back prep station. Facility voluntarily relocated for storage in an approved manner.

Pasta Fazool


Last Inspection Date: 01-09-2025

  • 10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink at wait staff prep station clogged and not draining. Facility employee repaired at time of inspection.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw meats stored above Rte foods, sauces and dressings in bottom portion of prep top refrig on cooks line.22 - proper cold holding temperatures
  • Comments: Some foods in containers in prep top refrig were observed doubled stacked causing foods in these containers to be above the approved cold holding temperature of 41 degrees f. Items discarded. Other foods properly stocked in unit were observed below 41 degrees f.23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: 3XR: Date marking lacking on food containers in refrigeration. All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS left copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Facility observed with can of insect spray on site and stored amongst food items.28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Facility observed with foreign manufactured chemicals in spray bottles but lacking English langue labeling on bottles. Facility employee could not determine if product was safe to use in a food establishment. Items removed from facility.28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Chemical spray bottle lacking label.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Facility food preparation sink completely obstructed for use while facility open and operating.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Garden style hose attached to faucet of food prep sink.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Ice for consumption stored in a cooler at beverage station with no self-draining barrier separation.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Water for consumption observed being dispensed out of hand sink faucet at wait staff beverage station.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Cases of frozen foods not elevated off ground level in walk in freezer.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Ice scoop stored on top of ice cooler.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Peeling shipping plastic not removed from exterior of ice maker surfaces.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Top of ware wash machine unclean with dried on debris.52 - sewage & waste water properly disposed
  • Comments: Facilities mop sink completely obstructed for use at time of inspection.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Facility observed laundering their own wiping cloths and aprons within facility without a laundering facility. On site. Soiled wiping cloths and aprons observed stored overnight in a bucket of bleach water. Other aprons and wiping cloths were observed hanging throughout facility but still appeared unclean and soiled. Facility owner stated thse items are laundered at home. Facility may not launder their own wiping cloths and aprons without a laundering facility and equipment on site.

Mama Venezia, 1920 Inc


Last Inspection Date: 01-09-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS supplied one.2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: facility lacking MCOPH CFSM certificate. facility has until 1/11/25 to obtain MCOPH CFSM certificate. facility has servsafe.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: raw eggs stored above ready to eat food items walk in cooler23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS left copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.24 - time as a public health control; procedures & record
  • Comments: Facility lacking time logs for food items on display or outside of refrigeration.28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: can of pesticide stored in basement (must remove)38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: -at start of inspection dog was present in kitchen area39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: food stored on floor39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: use of plastic cup to dispense dry food items40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair/beard restraint43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Knife stored in space between prep unit and counter.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Tongs stored on oven door handle along cooks line.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: frost build up walk in freezer55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: cove base damaged by walk in refrig

Dairy Queen of High Street in Pottstown

1467 E High ST Pottstown, PA 19464

Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 13 - food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
  • Comments: Milk in Walk in Refrigerator observed with a sell by date or use by date of 1/1/2521 - proper hot holding temperatures
  • Comments: Food items at hot holding unit observed with an internal temperature less than 135F. Facility rapidly reheated to 165F47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Sides and top of rotary oven(Neico) unclean.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Growth observed on ceiling of walk in refrigerator in front of fan unit.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Heavy Dust build up on Ceiling Vent covers

Towey's Hatboro Tavern Inc.


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 48 - warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Quat test strips observed expired.

Cho Cho San Sushi Bar


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 6 - proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Employee observed drinking beverage while preparing sushi.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Handwashing sink in sushi bar area obstructed. (4x repeat)10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Paper towels not provided at sushi bar handwash sink.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand soap not available at hand washing sink in sushi bar area.14 - required records available; shellstock tags, parasite destruction
  • Comments: Facility needs an updated 2025 parasite destruction letter. Submit this to EHS via email with in 48 hrs.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw shrimp observed above sauces and veggies in walk in cooler and under the counter cold hold prep unit.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Chlorine sanitizer concentration of ware washing machine observed at less than 50ppm. Facility must cease use of ware washing machine for sanitizing and must sanitize wares in the three basin sink. Facility may not use unit until serviced, supplying final rinse of 50-100ppm chlorine, AND written permission is granted by MCOPH. Failure to comply could lead to legal action. Fax or email report showing sanitizer concentration to the contact provided by your EHS. (1x repeat)17 - proper disposition of returned, previously served, reconditioned, & unsafe food
  • Comments: Two serving bowls of rice and two fried fish portions observed at room temperature, facility reports these foods had been prepared yesterday (1/7/24) and left out over night. Facility voluntarily discarded.23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS left copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.35 - approved thawing methods used
  • Comments: Chicken thawed in bucket of standing water.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Foods stored in non food grade containers, with lids that are cut/damaged. Replace all with food grade containers that are not cut/damaged.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Condensate drain line at walk-in refrigerator not installed, with condensate observed dripping into hotel pan being used as catch basin. Facility must install condensate drain line. (2x repeat)49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Walls in kitchen behind three basin sink and behind cooking line are dirty with food spillage.51 - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Pipe below three bay sink is dripping.51 - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Ice machine condensate line not properly routed to drain and drips into pan.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Condensate line of sushi coolers drains into handsink in sush bar area.

Joseph Ambler Inn, Inc.


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • Comments: Inspection done in response to patron complaint. Complaint in not founded at time of inspection. Reviewed with person in charge.

China House


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink water pressure turned off at time of inspection. Facility voluntarily turned on water pressure15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Food uncovered throughout walk-in cooler16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Cutting board with discoloration20 - proper cooling time & temperature
  • Comments: wontons tempt at 65F. Facility voluntarily moved into cooler22 - proper cold holding temperatures
  • Comments: Food at deep frier area and in repurposed refrigerator for ambient temperature by cooks' line not in cold holding temp. Facility voluntarily moved food into walk-in cooler23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS left copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Rodent like droppings observed by mop sink. Facility must immediately clean and sanitize area. Facility must be treated by professional pest control service for the above mentioned pest. Report must be provided to MCOPH with in ten business days. Fax or email the service report to the contacts provided by the EHS.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: prepping chicken and shrimp in 3 basin ware-wash sink39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Containers of food stored on floor in walk-in cooler (3xR)43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Knife stored in space between prep unit and counter.45 - single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Single service articles (egg cartons, cans, cardboard boxes, cut gallon container) being repurposed. Facility voluntarily discarded47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Cardboard lining shelves47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Ice build-up in chest freezer.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Rust build-up on shelves in walk-in cooler47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: unclean handles to refrigerators55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Ceiling tiles stained throughout facility. 1 missing tile by back door

Wendy's #1400


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 36 - thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Thermometer for indoor and outdoor walk in freezer defective.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Hand sink at food prep sink area lacking splash guard39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Single service items and condiments stored under counter trash chute area in dining room with inadequate separation or divided.40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair/beard restraint45 - single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Single service lids stored on paper towels at coffee beverage station.50 - hot & cold water available; adequate pressure
  • Comments: Hot water turned off to men's restroom hand sink. Hot water restored at time of inspection.51 - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: No air gap for food prep sink. Plumbing must have a minimum of a one-inch gap at plumbing line to make plumbing indirect waste line.51 - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Plumbing leak at women's restroom hand sink.

Pho Viet Hoa Restaurant


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 6 - proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: employee food items observed at multiple prep stations during active prep. Facility voluntarily relocated items for storage in an approved manner.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: facility hand sink obstructed to equipment at hand sink adjacent to three basin sink. Facility voluntarily relocated items obstructing access during time of inspection.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Interior splash guard of ice machine observed with accumulation. Clean and sanitize.22 - proper cold holding temperatures
  • Comments: multiple items observed above approved cold holding temperatures at multiple reach in coolers 49-80F. facility voluntarily discarded 1 pan of egg rolls, 1 pan of spring roll as well as one bowl of noodles. EHS discussed with facility cold holding procedures as well as approved uses of time logs.33 - proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control
  • Comments: 1 door reach in cooler at wait station unable to maintain an approved cold holding temperature - 46F. Facility adjusted unit down and was observed at an approved cold holding temperature - 41F.37 - food properly labeled; original container
  • Comments: secondary storage working containers lack common name labeling. Facility voluntarily provided labeling during time of inspection.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: facility observed prepping items at three basin sink. Facility relocated operations to prep sink during time of inspection.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: facility storing items in open original metal cans at front wait station (hoisin sauce). Facility voluntarily relocated to approved secondary storage container.

Dunkin Donuts


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 30 days. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule. (3x repeat)

Sharetea Fatty Panda


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • Comments: Re-inspection has been scheduled to occur in two weeks, on or after the date noted at the top of the report. Should facility not be in compliance at the time of re-inspection they will be required to attend an administrative conference and will receive an additional re-inspection.
  • 6 - proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: employee beverages not in cup with lid and straw or tightly closed container and stored over food prep and storage. Facility discarded two employee beverages at tea counter. 4 X Repeat. Failure to correct and maintain repeat violations could lead to legal action.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: ware soaking in front hand sink, all wares must be proper washed rinsed and sanitized in ware washing sink & hand sink may not be used for any purpose other than hand washing. 2 x repeat. Failure to correct and maintain repeat violations could lead to legal action.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: metal scrub pad and scrub brush stored in kitchen hand sink. hand sink may not be used for any purpose other than hand washing. 2 x repeat. Failure to correct and maintain repeat violations could lead to legal action.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: raw animal foods stored over ready to eat foods; raw poultry stored over raw beef. 5 x repeat. Failure to correct and maintain repeat violations could lead to legal action.28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: chemical spray bottles not labelled.37 - food properly labeled; original container
  • Comments: bulk bins and working containers of white powder substance not labelled.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: container in kitchen food prep refrig in contact with food in another container.40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: tea counter employees lacking hair restraint.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: utensils at tea counter and kitchen store in standing water.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: bowl and single use plastic container used as scoop in bulk ingredient bins, left in bin and lacks handles.44 - utensils, equipment & linens; properly stored, dried, & handled
  • Comments: food and wares stored directly adjacent to tea area hand sink. Facility must maintain all items at least six inches from hand sink or install splash guard that is smooth, non-porous, easily cleaned, at least six inches high, and running the length of the sink.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: open original can in kitchen prep sink, not transferred to lidded food grade container.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: raw unsealed plywood used as shelf under table in kitchen. seal all surfaces of wood to be smooth non-porous and easily cleaned.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: underside of handles with accumulation on kitchen prep refrig and walk-in refrig.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: outside of container used to batter fried foods and bulk storage containers with dried food accumulation on exterior.

Dunkin Donuts


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Donut display rack relocated to position which gives customers access to donuts. Move this unit or enclose the side facing the customer dinning room.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Stirring spoon stored in standing water in between uses.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Cutting board at cold hold food prep unit is scored and damaged. Replace.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Mold like accumulation observed in walk in cooler on walls.

Shake Shack #1268


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility has expired MCOPH food establishment license posted in public view. EHS emailed license renewal invoice since license expires 1/31/2540 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair/beard restraint



Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • Comments: Re inspection conducted. At time of re inspection ehs found that facility has corrected or maintained that majority of the violations noted during routine inspection that took place on 12/18/24. Repeat violations noted on today's inspection must be corrected within the next 10 business days. A follow up inspection will occur to ensure these violations are corrected. Failure to correct the stated violations by 1/22/25 may result in legal actions and a citation for each violation that is a multiple time repeat violation. Failure to correct and maintain any and all violations may lead to legal action, citations, and/or closure.
  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 5 days. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: 4XR: walk-in refrig condensate drain line not shielded over food.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: cracks in left side of coffee counter. fragments not flush47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Door gasket torn on food prep refrig nearest front of store.

Date of previous inspection: 12-18-2024

  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 30 days. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: utensils in hand sink basin.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: scrubber at coffee area hand sink.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: raw food over ready to eat foods, eggs in dessert refrig, meats over cheese and seafood in walk-in refrig. 5 X repeat. Failure to correct and maintain repeat violations could lead to legal action.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: in use cutting board with grooves and stab marks, not easily cleaned.19 - proper reheating procedures for hot holding
  • Comments: sauces in steam unit observed at 87F and 113F. Moved to stove top for rapid heating to 165F before returning to unit.28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: first aid kit on shelves with / over dry storage.33 - proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control
  • Comments: five gallon containers of liquid food cooling at ambient. Just started cooling 125-145F. Containers divided into smaller portions for rapid cooling, ice paddles used with some products.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: food display of pastries and prosciutto on display with protection from consumer.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: food containers on floor of walk-in refrig and freezer39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: prep occurring at ware washing sink drain boards.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: walk-in refrig condensate drain line not shielded where over food. 2 x repeat. failure to correct and maintain repeat violations could lead to legal action.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: knives stored in crevices between prep units.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: utensils in standing water at coffee station.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: kitchen hand sink not sealed to wall. 4x repeat. Failure to comply could lead to legal action.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: absorbent linens used as liners under cutting boards. 2 x repeat. Failure to correct and maintain repeat violations could lead to legal action.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: ice machine with loose front panel and tape. Affix panel and ensure smooth non-porous, and easily cleaned surface.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: goor gasket torn on food prep refrig nearest front of store.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: cracks in left side of coffee counter. fragments not flush.53 - toilet facilities; properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
  • Comments: far men's restroom door not self closing.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: coffee mug with out lid or straw and store on prep surface.



Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility operating an expired MCOPH license. Facility has 5 business days to submit license application and appropriate fee.1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw eggs stored over ready to eat food items16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Can opener blade unclean.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Card board lining floor inside walk in cooler.

Papa John's


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility has current serv safe employee- Christopher Newman expires 12/10/28(3xR). Facility has 5 business days to submit reciprocity application and fee to MCOPH. Reciprocity application was left at time of inspection55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Mop not stored hanging or inverted to dry.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: cove base detaching from wall beneath food prep sink

Coffee Club Skippack


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Interior of prep cooler on cooks-line is unclean.

Bang Cookies


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 30 days.48 - warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Facility lacking test strips to verify proper concentration of chemical sanitizer on hand.



Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • Comments: No violations observed at time of inspection

Corner Bakery Cafe # 300


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Shelf stable sauces and syrup nozzles stored under espresso maker trash chute area with inadequate separation or divider.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Cook observed using restroom while wearing apron and beard net and did not remove or replace garments before returning to food handling.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Section of subway tile wall behind prep top refrig on cooks line with loose or damaged tiles.

Penn Street Pizza Inc. dba Domino's


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: MCOPH Food Establishment License not posted conspicuously for the public. Locate and post original publicly or apply for duplicate.1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: (2x Repeat)Facility lacking sign stating that the most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS e-mail sample to facility during inspection. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to legal action.2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility GM in possession of current managerial level course certificate. Facility must submit application and payment within 30 days. EHS e-mailed copy of reciprocity application to facility.6 - proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Employee beverage stored on prep table.28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Chemical spray bottle stored amongst/adjacent to foods for preparation or utensils.41 - wiping cloths; properly used & stored
  • Comments: Wiping cloth bucket stored on prep table at time of inspection.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Sinks not adequately sealed to wall. Sealant deteriorating creating a surface that is not easily cleanable.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Outlet cover lacking at electrical receptacle at toilet room.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Walk-in door not sealing at time of inspection. Latch stuck open. Latch moved to proper position during inspection.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Cove base damaged beneath three basin sink. Repair to render surface smooth, non-porous and easily cleanable.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Wall tiles damaged beneath /behind three basin sink. Repair to render surface smooth, non-porous and easily cleanable

294 Sunday Sandwich LLC DBA Roosters


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: CFSM certificate not on site. Locate and post publicly or request a duplicate from MCOPH.5 - procedures for responding to vomiting and diarrheal events
  • Comments: Facility lacking a written policy / procedure addressing the clean-up of a vomit or diarrheal event. EHS emailed a sample policy.6 - proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Employee beverages stored on prep surface in kitchen and clean dish rack in basement.8 - hands clean & properly washed
  • Comments: Dump sink at bar set up as hand washing sink. Facility removed soap and paper towels from sink and was instructed to wash hands in designated hand sinks only.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Colander stored in bar hand sink basin and green scrub behind faucet of sink.14 - required records available; shellstock tags, parasite destruction
  • Comments: Date of last sale lacking on shellfish tags.23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7 days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. Facility using prep/open dates only. EHS emailed copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: Some prepared foods in basement walk-in refrigerator being stored past 7 day maximum allowed. Facility voluntarily discarded during inspection.35 - approved thawing methods used
  • Comments: Commercially vacuum sealed salmon thawing in sealed bag. Salmon must be removed from packaging before thawing.40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair restraint.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Ice cream scoop and cook's line utensils stored in standing water in kitchen.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Both hand sinks behind bar no longer sealed to wall.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Shipping film still attached at bottom interior of salad prep refrigerator. Facility removed.51 - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Inadequate indirect air gap drain for basement prep sink observed hanging below flood level rim of sump pump in closet. Facility must trim pipe to be 1 inch above flood level rim of sump pump for proper backflow prevention.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Basement storage room ceiling light lacking shield. Replace.

Magerks Royersford


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 9 - no bare hand contact with rte food or a pre-approved alternative procedure properly allowed
  • Comments: EHS observed bowl used as scoop for bulk dry goods. Facility removed and replaced with a scoop with handle.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Bar hand sink used as dump sink. Hand sinks are only approved for use for handwashing.13 - food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
  • Comments: Juice in walk in refrigerator observed with a use by date of 12/24/24. Facility disposed.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Ice cream containers uncovered in refrigeration units.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: In-use utensils stored in stagnant water in between uses. In use utensils must be stored under running water or water at 135F55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Mop not stored hanging or inverted to dry.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Employee bags stored amongst dry storage items. Facility removed all personal items from dry storage.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Dust build up observed on ceiling Air conditioning unit.

Pot of Essence LLC - Aramark


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • Comments: Facility has 5 business days to provide current commissary agreement EHS called Firemarshall regarding tabletop deep frier outside hood system.
  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: MCOPH Food Establishment License not posted conspicuously for the public. Apply for duplicate license if necessary.2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 30 days. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.21 - proper hot holding temperatures
  • Comments: mac and cheese and penne pasta dish at hot holding unit observed with an internal temperature less than 135F. Facility rapidly reheated to 165F

Liam's Pizzeria


Last Inspection Date: 01-08-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS supplied one.2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH). Facility granted 6 months to attain. Failure to comply by the given deadline could lead to legal action. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink obstructed at time of inspection.28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Employee medication stored on shelf above prep table.40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair/beard restraint45 - single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Single service containers stored with food contact surface exposed52 - sewage & waste water properly disposed
  • Comments: Facility mop sink obstructed to the point that sink could not be reach for disposal of mop water.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Several large drill holes in wall to left side of pizza oven.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Window and wall damaged at area behind coke refrig in kitchen. Make surfaces smooth and non porous.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Several areas of unfinished wall spackle in kitchen. Seal with a minimum of a semi gloss paint.

Karpy's Tavern LLC

252 Elm ST Stowe, PA 19464

Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 30 days. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Light and air space at bottom/side of basement door.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Sides of cooks line equipment unclean.

Spring House Tavern


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Utensil blocking hand sink next to cooksline.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw shelled eggs stored over raw beef in walk in cooler and raw beef stored over cooked chicken in cooksline bain marie.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Soda nozzle unclean behind bar.36 - thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: Facility lacking visible accurate thermometers in several cold units.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Food stored on floor in main kitchen.

Steak and Hoagie Factory


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: uncovered items observed throughout walk in freezer. Facility provided covers during time of inspection.21 - proper hot holding temperatures
  • Comments: items hot held at griddle observed outside of an approved hot holding temperature - 90 - 120F. facility instructed to reheat items above 165F before returning to hot hold at griddle station.22 - proper cold holding temperatures
  • Comments: fried onions at food prep cooler top on cooks line observed above an approved cold holding temperature - 90F. facility voluntarily discarded one 1/4 pan of fried onions. EHS discussed with facility cook chill procedures as well as potential use of time logs for above stated items.36 - thermometers provided & accurate
  • Comments: facility with oven thermometer multiple cold holding units - unit is not scaled to measure cold holding temperature. facility voluntarily replaced with cold holding temperature thermometers during time of inspection.37 - food properly labeled; original container
  • Comments: facility lacking common name labeling for secondary storage containers at cooks line. Facility provided labels during time of inspection.38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: (3xREPEAT) rodent like droppings observed along flooring of back prep and storage areas. Facility instructed to clean and sanitized effected areas and immediately contract professional pest control services. facility instructed to provide work or to MCOPH with ten business days - January 21, 2025 to the email provided by EHS.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: facility storing sanitizer bucket for dispenser system at three basin sink inside of food prep sink. Facility voluntarily relocated for storage in an approved manner and cleaned and sanitized food prep sink.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: facility food prep items (cannoli cream) at consumer reach in beverage cooler in dining area. Facility voluntarily relocated to one door reach in cooler labeled employee only.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: facility storing tongs hanging from shelving at cooks line. Facility voluntarily removed during time of inspection.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: (3XREPEAT) dust accumulation observed on multiple vents in kitchen. Facility instructed that multiple repeat violations may result in future and immediate legal actions.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: facility lining flooring at three basin sink system with cardboard boxes. facility voluntarily removed during time of inspection.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: counter top siding above hand sink at kitchen damaged exposing particle board. facility instructed to repair to an approved surface which is smooth, non-porous, easily cleaned and durable - minimum of a semi-gloss paint.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: facility storing mop on floor at service sink. Facility voluntarily relocated for storage in an approved manner - hanging and inverted.

China Taste 622 Inc.


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: (2x repeat)- Paper towels lacking at multiple hand sinks. Facility provided at time of inspection.14 - required records available; shellstock tags, parasite destruction
  • Comments: Facility lacking current parasite destruction letter. Facility has 24 hours to send to EHS contact provided.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw eggs stored over ready to eat food items in walk in cooler. Facility relocated to bottom shelf at time of inspection.23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: Date marking lacking on food containers in refrigeration. All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date.29 - compliance with variance/specialized process/haccp
  • Comments: Facility lacking a log for daily pH testing of sushi rice.29 - compliance with variance/specialized process/haccp
  • Comments: pH buffers expired. Facility cannot serve sushi rice until new pH buffers are on site and EHS is present to verify and give written permission to continue use. Failure to comply may lead to legal action.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Containers/boxes of food stored on floor in walk in cooler. Facility placed on crates at time of inspection.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Bowl/cup used as scoop stored for dry goods/food items. All scoops must have a handle be stored so handle is not touching food product.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Knife stored in space between prep unit and counter.45 - single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Single service containers stored with food contact surface exposed.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Grease buildup on floor and sides of fryers at cooks line.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Personal hygiene products in kitchen. Facility relocated at time of inspection.

555 Gourmet Deli


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw eggs stored over ready to eat food items in walk-in fridge16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Cutting board with discoloration22 - proper cold holding temperatures
  • Comments: Foods with internal temperature of 48F in food prep cooler. Facility voluntarily moved all TCS foods into the walk-in cooler to rapidly cool. Facility must immediately stop using the unit.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Containers of food stored on floor in walk-in39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Opened boxes of single service items stored in customer area by restrooms47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Rust build-up on shelves in walk-in cooler.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: toasting oven cooks line equipment unclean.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Fan guards in walk-in cooler are unclean.



Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility operating with expired MCOPH license. Facility has 10 to pay appropriate fees. EHS re-sent invoice.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Facility lacking soap at hand sink in front prep area and in back prep area10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink in back prep area obstructed at time of inspection.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Chlorine sanitizer concentration of ware washing machine observed at less than 50ppm. Facility must cease use of ware washing machine for sanitizing and must sanitize wares in the three basin sink. Facility may not use unit until serviced, supplying final rinse of 50-100ppm chlorine, AND written permission is granted by MCOPH. Failure to comply could lead to legal action. Fax or email report showing sanitizer concentration to the contact provided by your EHS.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Sugar on top shelf of dry storage area stored with no lid43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Ice scoop stored inside of ice machine.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Dust build-up on ceiling vents near prep sink and above 3 bay wash sink in back prep area

Plaza Azteca King of Prussia Inc.


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Facility lacking soap at bar hand sink.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink obstructed at time of inspection.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Raw eggs food stored over ready to eat food items.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Soda guns and holster at bar unclean16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Chlorine sanitizer concentration of ware washing machine observed at less than 50ppm. Facility must cease use of ware washing machine for sanitizing and must sanitize wares in the three basin sink. Facility may not use unit until serviced, supplying final rinse of 50-100ppm chlorine, AND written permission is granted by MCOPH. Failure to comply could lead to legal action. Fax or email report showing sanitizer concentration to the contact provided by your EHS.24 - time as a public health control; procedures & record
  • Comments: Facility lacking time logs for food items on display or outside of refrigeration.37 - food properly labeled; original container
  • Comments: Common name label lacking on squeeze bottles at cooks line.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Damaged light shield inside walk in cooler.

Dairy Queen King of Prussia


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 45 - single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Boxes of single service food contact items stored on floor.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Rust build-up on shelves in walk-in cooler.

Dunkin Donuts


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Facility lacking sign stating that The most recent health inspection report is available on request. Sign must be posted conspicuously for the public. EHS supplied one.2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: MCOPH Certified Food Sanitation Manager Certificate not posted at time of inspection.



Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: Light and air space at bottom/side of rear door.Inspection Date: 01-10-2024



Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 48 - warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Facility lacking a maximum registering irreversible temperature indicator to verify the final rinse temperature of high temperature ware washing machine.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Water pooling in grease trap on floor in front of 3 bay sink.

Red House


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • Comments: Re-inspection has been scheduled to occur in two weeks, on or after the date noted at the top of the report. Should facility not be in compliance at the time of re-inspection they will be required to attend an administrative conference and will receive an additional re-inspection.
  • 6 - proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Empty can with cigarette butts in can and on rim of can observed in prep area. Facility may not smoke or store ashtrays in facility.6 - proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Employee beverages stored on prep table.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Soap not available in toilet room.13 - food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
  • Comments: Quart of milk observed in walk-in refrigerator with a sell-by date of 1/3/25. Facility voluntarily discarded item during inspection.14 - required records available; shellstock tags, parasite destruction
  • Comments: Facility lacking parasite destruction letter for current calendar year. Obtain and submit to MCOPH at e-mail address provided within 24 hours.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: (5x Repeat) Raw animal proteins stored above ready to eat foods and produce in walk-in refrigerator. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may result in legal action.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Foods stored in colanders in walk-in refrigerator. These containers do not provide adequate protection from contamination.23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7 days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. Facility using prep dates only. EHS emailed copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Car battery stored on dry storage rack above foods and utensils/equipment. Facility removed car battery during inspection. This item is unnecessary to the operation of facility and may not be stored in facility.29 - compliance with variance/specialized process/haccp
  • Comments: Sushi pH log not completed for 2025. Ensure log is completed daily and recorded. Maintain record on-site.38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: (2x Repeat) Handful of live and dead cockroaches observed in various areas. Facility must immediately clean and sanitize areas. Facility must be treated by professional pest control service for the above mentioned pest. Report must be provided to MCOPH within ten business days. Email the service report to the contact information provided by the EHS.38 - insect, rodents & animals not present
  • Comments: (5x Repeat) Rodent like droppings observed behind cook's line equipment. Facility must immediately clean and sanitize areas. Facility must be treated by professional pest control service for the above mentioned pest. Report must be provided to MCOPH within ten business days. Email the service report to the contact information provided by the EHS. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may result in legal action.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Bag of onions stored beneath drain line of handwashing sink.40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handlers lacking hair restraints.45 - single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Packages of single-use utensils stored on floor in dining area. Elevate to a minimum of 6 inches from floor.45 - single-use & single-service articles; properly stored & used
  • Comments: Sushi take-out containers stored with food contact surface exposed.48 - warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Test strips observed duct taped to wire rack above three basin sink. This does not allow for comparison of test strip to color chart.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Interior and exterior of units and equipment throughout facility observed with food debris accumulation. General cleaning needed.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Door handles and backsides of door handles unclean at cold holding units and toilet room. Remove debris, clean, and sanitize.51 - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Hand wash sink at end of cook's line observed draining slowly.51 - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Three basin sink faucet observed leaking at time of inspection.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Repaired drywall in restroom needs to be sealed with a minimum of semi-gloss paint.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: (4x Repeat) Grease hoods above cook's line observed with grease dripping from hoods. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may result in legal action. Date of last professional cleaning observed to be 11/23 per hood sticker. EHS contacted Cheltenham Township Fire Marshal during inspection.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Surfaces (walls, door and floor) unclean in employee toilet room. Clean and sanitize.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Floors unclean under cook's line equipment.

Mission BBQ King of Prussia


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Facility lacking soap at hand sink.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Final rinse temperature of high temperature ware washing machine observed at less than 180F or over 194F. Facility must cease use of ware washing machine for sanitizing and must sanitize in the ware washing sink. Facility may not use unit until serviced, supplying final rinse temperature of 180F - 194F, AND written permission is granted by MCOPH. Failure to comply could lead to legal action. Fax or email report showing final rinse temperature to the contact provided by your EHS.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Ice dispenser of retail soda machine unclean35 - approved thawing methods used
  • Comments: Facility thawing frozen fish in reduced oxygen packaging environment.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Containers/boxes of food stored on floor.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Torn door gasket observed on 2 door cooler.

El Limon


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: hand wash sink blocked28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: -bottle of medicine stored near food related items47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: paper towel lining under glasses(must remove)47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Absorbent cloth lining surface underneath cutting board.51 - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Improper air gap at food prep sink55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: stained ceiling tile dining area

Pancheros Mexican Grill


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 6 - proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Drink, half-consumed meal, and other personal items stored on food prep surface.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Retail soda machine backsplash unclean.40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handlers lacking hair/beard restraint.49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Dust build-up on vents in men's restroom.53 - toilet facilities; properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
  • Comments: Covered waste receptacle lacking in women's restroom.54 - garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
  • Comments: Dumpster lids unable to be closed at time of inspection due to trash build-up. Facility has 5 business days to clean up garbage area. Contact MCOPH when clean-up is completed. If there is a 2nd follow up or more needed facility will have to pay $350.00 each follow up before they schedule a follow up appointment. Must be check or money order. Make payable to Montgomery County Treasurer.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Mop not stored hanging or inverted to dry.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Unapproved ceiling tiles in kitchen.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Floor and wall unclean behind mixer and rice spillage on floor near dry storage.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Dust build-up on ceiling tiles surrounding the ceiling vents above food prep area.

Wendy's Restaurant


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Spill observed under friers.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Ice build up on fan and ceiling of walk in freezer

Little Ceasars


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: facility lacking a MCOPH CFSM certificate. facility has 30 days to submit paper work10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand washing sign lacking at hand sink(back area)28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: cleaning chemical stored near food related items(clean equipment)(dry storage rack)40 - personal cleanliness
  • Comments: Food handler lacking hair/beard restraint49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: dust build up ceiling vent front area49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: racks unclean walk in refrig55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: damaged floor by 3 bay ware wash sink(2xrepeat)

Rossi's Pizzeria

301 N Lewis RD Royersford, PA 19468

Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sinks obstructed at time of inspection. Facility removed chair and ice scoop by end of inspection.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Shelves in walk-in cooler unclean.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Cutting board observed with deep grooves and discoloration.48 - warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: 3 compartment sink improperly set up at time of inspection. At end of inspection facility drained and corrected.

Mr. Wish Abington


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 6 - proper eating, tasting, drinking or tobacco use
  • Comments: Employee beverage stored on food prep surface. Facility voluntarily moved to designated area.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Handwashing sink in kitchen observed lacking available means of drying hands at time of inspection.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Pots stored in hand sink basin. Handwashing sinks must be unobstructed and used for handwashing only.15 - food separated & protected
  • Comments: Bag of raw shrimp stored in container with produce in walk-in refrigerator.16 - food-contact surfaces; cleaned & sanitized
  • Comments: Three basin sink set-up and wares actively being washed. No sanitizer observed in third basin of sink. Improper warewashing procedure observed. Facility instructed facility to fill third basin of sink with sanitizer of an approved concentration and instructed facility on proper warewashing procedures during inspection.23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7 days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date. EHS emailed copy of date marking guidance document at the time of inspection.28 - toxic substances properly identified, stored, & used
  • Comments: Employee medicine stored on prep table.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Foods stored in direct contact with non food-grade bags in walk-in freezer. All foods must be stored in food grade bags/containers.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Shipping foam observed on exterior of domestic-style refrigerator. Remove.52 - sewage & waste water properly disposed
  • Comments: Drain line of ice machine observed draining onto floor. Facility must reroute drain line to plumbed drain and provide a minimum air gap of at least 1 inch from end of drain line to rim of indirect waste drain.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: (3x Repeat) Employee personal items stored on dry storage shelving amongst foods/equipment for preparation. Failure to correct and maintain multiple repeat violations may lead to legal action.56 - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used
  • Comments: Facility observed having installed PVC pipe below front edge of hood ventilation system. Facility stated that this was installed to catch dripping water condensation. Hood vent system must be adequately functional to prevent water condensation from accumulating. Facility must remove PVC catch piping system. Facility must submit proof of removal to MCOPH within 10 business days. If proof of removal is not received MCOPH may conduct a follow-up inspection to ensure compliance.

Mi Rancho Mexican Restaurant


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: (2x repeat)- Facility owes $60 from license fee from 2023. Facility paid B license fee but is actually an A license. Submit payment within 24 hours. Failure to comply may lead to legal action such as citation or closure. EHS emailed invoice to facility at time of inspection.2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: (2x repeat)- Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility must submit application and payment OR proof of registration in an approved course with in 30 days. EHS emailed a copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Leak at plumbing of hand sink at front of kitchen. Facility must repair.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Paper towels lacking at hand sink in front of kitchen and employee restroom. Facility provided at time of inspection.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Soap lacking at hand sink in back of kitchen and in employee restroom.23 - proper date marking & disposition
  • Comments: (3x repeat)- Date marking lacking on food containers in refrigeration. All foods that are TCS, RTE, and held longer than 24hrs must be marked with a discard date not to exceed 7days or the manufacturers sell by date, which ever is shorter. Commercially processed foods must also include an open date.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Containers/boxes of food stored on floor of walk in cooler. Must be stored at least 6 inches off the ground.43 - in-use utensils; properly stored
  • Comments: Knives stored in space between prep unit and counter.48 - warewashing facilities; installed, maintained, & used; test strips
  • Comments: Facility lacking test strips to verify proper concentration of chemical sanitizer on hand.

Hania Foods LLC dba Domino's Pizza


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Mop not stored hanging or inverted to dry.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: 1 unapproved ACT ceiling tile in kitchen. Replace to bring up to code. Must be smooth, nonporous, easily cleanable.55 - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean
  • Comments: Washer and dryer located in back room directly next to hand sink and three basin sink. Washer and dryer must either be moved to an area of the facility that is not used for food operations or must be enclosed from floor to ceiling.

El Tequila, Sports Bar & Grill


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 2 - certified food protection manager
  • Comments: (2x repeat) Facility lacking a Certified Food Sanitation Manager (CFSM) issued by Montgomery County Office of Public Health (MCOPH) or previous certificate has expired. Facility has an active serve safe certification. Facility must submit application and payment with in 5 days. EHS left copy of reciprocity application and fee schedule.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: Containers/boxes of food stored on floor in walk in refrigerator and dry storage39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: EHS observed bulk goods stored in opened original bags. Facility placed bulk goods in labeled airtight containers.47 - food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
  • Comments: Ice build-up on side of fan unit in walk in freezer49 - non-food contact surfaces clean
  • Comments: Hood filters unclean51 - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
  • Comments: Steady drip from faucet in back corner of kitchen by 3 door refrigerator

Morningside House of Collegeville

1421 S Collegeville RD Collegeville, PA 19426

Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • Comments: MCOPH received illness complaint for facility. No kitchen staff with confirmed illness. At time of inspection, EHS went over ill employee/exclusion policy with kitchen manager. Facility must correct and maintain any noted violations.
  • 13 - food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
  • Comments: Dented cans observed on storage shelf, voluntarily removed from shelf.

Shybulls Table


Last Inspection Date: 01-07-2025

  • 1 - person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties
  • Comments: Food operational license not posted. Locate and post in public view or request a duplicate copy from MCOPH if necessary.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Hand sink obstructed by rolling cart.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Men's sink in restroom second from the right sensor not operational. Restroom has 4 other operational hand sinks.10 - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
  • Comments: Need hand wash reminder signs posted in both restrooms.39 - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display
  • Comments: No water supply at food prep sink. Facility turned water back on during inspection.

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